Do You Want To Feel Better?

Do you suffer from pain, fatigue, allergies, sleeping disorder or learning problems? Do you just want to feel better? Have traditional health methods failed to meet your needs or the needs of a loved one?

There is hope!

Don’t accept that you have to live with any of these issues for the rest or your life!

My name is Debbie Ulrich, I’m an alternative health practitioner ready to make a difference in your life.

As a Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) I use four different healing methods combined into an integrated, holistic approach that will enable you to have a healthier, happier lifestyle. Since 2001, I have been using natural health practices, kinesiology, nutritional counseling and physical fitness to create harmony between the mind, body and spirit of my clientele.

My mission is to help adults and children to achieve and maintain a better quality of life. I am passionate about making a difference in your life, or the life of someone you care about.

I do not use orthodox drugs or surgical procedures. My methods are gentle and without side-effects. I will always respect your lifestyle while supporting the least invasive methods of health care and emotional maintenance. The only thing you stand to loose is the pain, fatigue, allergy, sleeping disorder or learning issue that has unbalanced your life.

During the first appointment I learn about you by listening to your concerns and health goals. Then I create an individually tailored treatment plan just for you. I usually see my clients weekly for the first month, then assess progress to determine future treatment needs.

  • Start Feeling Better–Call 410-868-7407 Today!

    Please contact me today to schedule an initial 30 minute consultation, and start feeling better!
    Calls accepted between the hours of 8 AM to 8 PM EST.