Classes & Workshops

I have over 2000 hours of classroom study time in the combined fields of Energy Kinesiology and Natural Health. I have combined my knowledge and passion for complementary medicine, health and healing to create and teach the classes below. My passion and joy to teach and share my knowledge is evident in my teaching style. I have been teaching since 2004. I am also available to teach or present a class or workshop to your group.

Meditation Class 101

Meditation is simple, easy to use and is available anytime and/or anywhere once you learn the basic skills to incorporate this practice into your lifestyle. It is NOT a religion. It is a lifestyle choice, practice and health enhancer. There are many health benefits to meditating regularly. Meditation has been scientifically proven to help reduce stress, reduce anxiety, promote emotional health, enhance self awareness, improve self esteem, lengthen attention span, may help reduce age related memory loss, may help fight addictions, improve sleep, help control pain, and may help decrease blood pressure. This workshop is available to anyone.

Cost: $100 with a 4 week commitment before March 7th; $125 after March 7th
RSVP: PayPal (se button below)
Date: March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd
Time: 6:30-7:30 PM
120 Wellness & Herb House
401 Headquarters Drive Suite 101
Millersville, MD 21108

“Got Lyme?”

Do you remember the commercial “Got Milk?” where some famous actor or athlete is holding a glass of milk in their hand with a white ‘milk mustache’ on their upper lip? Unfortunately, Lyme disease is not so obvious. In fact, it is a very misunderstood disease making it very under diagnosed causing it to then be mistreated. In fact, the testing for Lyme is SO inaccurate that in spring of 2016 a bill was passed in Maryland requiring doctors to have patients sign a statement that the patient understands that a negative Lyme test result may not be accurate and that they may actually have Lyme disease.

I am hosting a workshop for Lyme disease to give you the opportunity to learn about Lyme disease, what is it and why it is so difficult to treat.

We all know someone who has been affected by Lyme disease so please pass this notice along to ANYONE you know who may be affected and/or interested in learning more about Lyme disease and alternative ways to addressing this illness.

Date: The 2nd Monday of the month
RSVP: 410-868-7407 (seating is limited)
Time: 7–8 PM
Cost: $10 per person

Muscle Testing 101 – Easy To Learn and Use!

This interactive workshop is designed to teach anyone, from lay person to the professional, how to muscle test. Most importantly you will leave the class with the confidence and tools necessary to be an effective ‘muscle tester.’ You will learn many different styles and techniques of basic muscle testing including, but not limited to: sway test, arm, leg, fingers, O-finger, self-testing, testing others and surrogate testing. Instruction includes trouble shooting, and grounding techniques. You will also learn proper grounding, problem solving, polarity testing and correction. Time will be spent learning how to properly state question(s) while muscle testing. Lots of practice time has been included in this course.

This workshop is taught in 1 day for a total of 7 hours including 1 hour of ethics.

Time: 7 hours
Cost: $200; ‘Early Bird Special’ of $150 if paid by registration deadline
Minimum class size: 4 participants. Maximum limit of 20.
Prerequisites: NONE

Download October 8, 2017 Muscle Testing 101 Class Registration Form – Gambrills, MD
Download October 29, 2017 Muscle Testing 101 Class Registration Form – Alexandria, VA

Testimonials for Muscle Testing 101 – Easy To Learn and Use!

Very interesting; have known about muscle testing and really want to use it for personal use, cosmetics, etc. very enjoyable; will enjoy practicing and putting to personal use.

Suzanne K.
June 2015

Very informative and useful in every day life. Could have saved myself a lot of time, money and stress if I had known this earlier.

Kathleen L.
June 2015

I really enjoyed you demonstrating on people

Pamela D.
June 2015

So much valuable information presented in this class.

Cindy C.
June 2015

This course was very insightful and it peaked my interest in alternative health.

Kelsey C.
June 2015

I like the small size of the class and practice.

Kelsey C.
May 2015

Muscle Testing Level 2 – Easy Application and Use!

This interactive workshop builds on the basic knowledge learned in level one “Muscle Testing 101 – Easy to Learn and Use!” It is designed to further enhance your muscle testing skills by increasing the level of communication between you and your client, patient, friend, etc…. These skills will enable you to obtain and subsequently integrate specific information that can be utilized to hopefully improve your client’s health. Additionally you will learn about “test points” which often can provide valuable feedback that can then be used to benefit future results. Finally, you will be instructed on how to assist your client in identifying and releasing “Sabotaging Beliefs” which, if not cleared, would hinder the progress of their healing journey..

This workshop is taught in 1 day for a total of 7 hours of instruction.

Time: 7 hours
Cost: $200; ‘Early Bird Special’ of $150 if paid by registration deadline
The cost of this class includes a detailed manual for each registrant.
There is an additional fee for a tool necessary to clear “Sabotaging Beliefs.” This tool retails for $90. However, I will sell it to you at a reduced price of $50 at the class. This purchase is optional.
Minimum class size: 4 participants. Maximum limit of 20.
Prerequisites: Completion of “Muscle Testing 101 – Easy To Learn and Use!”

Download February 25, 2018 Muscle Testing Level 2 Class Registration Form

The Art and Science of Effective Response Muscle Testing

This interactive comprehensive workshop is designed to teach anyone, from lay person to the professional, how to muscle test. Most importantly you will leave the class with the confidence and tools necessary to be an effective and skilled ‘muscle tester.’ You will learn many different styles and techniques of muscle testing from basic to more advanced including, but not limited to: sway test, arm, leg, fingers, O-finger, jaw stacking, self-testing, testing others and surrogate testing. Instruction includes alarm points, nutritional points, body systems, and chart/list scanning. You will also learn proper grounding, problem solving, ‘mudras’ (hand modes), polarity testing and correction, organs/glands and the respective emotions attached to them, as well as brain integration testing and correction techniques. Time will be spent learning how to properly state question(s) while muscle testing. Lots of practice time has been included in this course.

This workshop is taught in 3 consecutive days for a total of 21 hours including 1 hour of ethics.

Time: 21 hours
Cost: $500
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE
CEUs: PENDING with the Maryland chiropractic board. Maryland massage board, and Maryland acupuncture board.

Muscle Testing Support Group

This class is designed to support the student in the class described above. We review specific challenges the student has encountered since completing the course. This presents an opportunity to enhance the skills learned in the class and review any areas needing additional coaching. Each class is unique based on the individual needs of the group. This class is taught in my office.

Time: 1-2 hours depending on class interest.
Cost: $10 per person.
Minimum class size: 6 participants. Maximum limit of 10.
Prerequisites: Must have successfully completed “Muscle Testing 101 – Easy To Learn and Use!” or The Art and Science of Effective Response Muscle Testing.


This is a simple and non-invasive system of relaxing jaw muscles enabling the temporomandibular joint to reset. RESET (Rafferty Energy System of Easing the Temporomandibular joint) allows anyone to simply and rapidly access and direct this healing energy.

By sending healing energy into the muscles and tendons that relate to the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), we relax both these muscles and the organs and glands to which they relate. In doing this the TMJ can reset into its correct position, thereby rebalancing the whole body. This balances the body’s hydration, structure, muscles, neurology, glands and organs.

Time: 3 hours
Cost: $80 for first time participants, discounted price of $20 for repeaters.
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE


(Best if taught the same day as RESET 1)
RESET 1 is taught as a 45-minute session with the client. RESET 2 breaks down the techniques and positions taught in RESET 1 to be used to address specific health issues and/or concerns which are discussed in detail in class. This is a more advanced use of the skills learned in RESET 1.

Time: 3 hours
Cost: $80 for first time participants, discounted price of $20 for repeaters.
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: Must have successfully completed RESET 1.

Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity

This is a group “healing” session designed to help strengthen the body in many ways. The body’s ability to become and remain properly hydrated is an important piece of optimum health that is commonly overlooked. Once hydrated, the body is better equipped to assimilate and utilize its minerals. Then the body is better able to assimilate and utilize its vitamins. When the body is strong and functioning at its best it is better equipped to eliminate the toxins that cause illness and disease. The toxins targeted in this “healing” session are fluoride and heavy metals; however, it is very possible that removal of these toxins from the body may lead to other toxins being eliminated as well.

Time: 30 minutes
Cost: $35
Class participation is limited to 8 (one-on-one sessions are available, if preferred).
Prerequisites: NONE

Immune Workshop

This is an interactive workshop designed to give you the knowledge to create a healthy immune system with Bath Salts through the use of Essential Oils. Class format includes discussion about healthy ways to strengthen and support your immune system, including which essentials oils best support the immune system; you will then make 3 Bath Salts to take home with you. You will be given the recipes used in class to make future Bath Salts. The cost of the class is to cover the materials.

Time: 1½ hours
Cost: $30 for materials
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE

“It’s time to take back my power”

This is an interactive workshop designed to create self-empowerment through the use of words and belief systems. Most people don’t appreciate the power of words and therefore they do not give much thought to the words they use. Words have a lot of power; they carry so much energy which then creates tremendous power. When words are used in sentences they become even more powerful. Statements cannot be said or heard without evoking positive or negative emotions within us; therefore the words become statements which are negatively or positively charged. This also applies to statements you make or hear about yourself. These impact your physical, mental and or emotional state. When these statements are heard, stated out loud or silently to yourself, the brain hears them as literal memos so they become your reality as you ‘take them on’ and you own them. When you make them your own, you create a belief that becomes a part of your being and your soul. This workshop teaches you how to reverse the negative affects of these beliefs no matter how long you may have believed (owned) them.

Time: 1 hour
Cost: $25
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE

“Oh my aching…” (How to energetically eliminate pain)

This is a demonstration of how energy work can positively impact your quality of life and health by substantially eliminating pain. The goal is to eliminate the pain; however class time restraints may not allow this to occur for all participants, therefore individual appointments are encouraged to ensure 100% relief.

Time: 1½ hours
Cost: $25
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE

Learn to Conquer Emotional Overeating with EFT

This class teaches tapping specific meridian points on the body. The goal is to change sabotaging beliefs which are preventing you from attaining your weight loss goals. Sabotaging beliefs and habits are discussed with the group so the class is geared towards the individual needs of the participants. Also, this method can be used for other emotional and sabotaging beliefs, once learned.

Time: 1½ hours
Cost: $25
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE

Introduction to Essential Oils: “There is an oil for that!”

This is a FREE one-hour informal class designed to introduce the oils using a ‘hands on’ approach by offering the participants the opportunity to experience their amazing healing power based on the individual needs of the group. Many people are searching for alternative ways to become empowered in their own health care, including the health of their family. Essential oils fulfill this need on many levels. Any given oil can address many different health issues making them an economical investment for your future health. Best of all they are easy to use. The oils have many uses ranging from healing benefits to household and laundry cleaning. They have also have been used for many centuries going back to the earliest documented health archives.

This class is an opportunity to experience the essential oils in a NO pressure environment.

The class is taught in the friendly environment of my home; however I am also available to come to your home if you would like to host a class designed to introduce your family and friends to the beauty and healing power of the oils.

Time: 1 hour.
Cost: FREE
Class participation is limited to 8.
Prerequisites: NONE

‘Oils of the Bible’

This is an informal and informative class that offers the participants the opportunity to experience and smell the healing powers of the oils found in the Bible. To name a few, Myrrh, Frankincense, Galbanum, Sandalwood Myrtle, Cypress, and Cedarwood. Essential Oils have many uses and have been used for many centuries. The oils were so highly regarded in ancient times that they were presented to the Christ child upon his birth. The Bible scriptures cite medicinal, dietary and cosmetic uses of these oils. There are over 200 references mentioning the use of oils for healing, wholeness and anointing. Jesus’ disciples were sent to spread the word of the gospel and to minister through healing as Jesus did. Part of their ministry was using healing oils, from plants which were given by God, to ward off disease.

This class is taught in the church meeting hall, the comfort of your home with family and friends, or in my home or office.

Time: 1 hour
Cost: FREE
Minimum class size: 6 participants. No maximum limit.
Prerequisites: NONE

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    Calls accepted between the hours of 8 AM to 8 PM EST.