First let’s start with how to pronounce it. Pronounced Lie – Poe – Zome: (to hear the pronunciation click on: Although I have heard some ‘experts’ pronounce it Lip – O – Some as indicated below. According to the American Heritage Dictionary the pronunciation and definition is below as I copied and pasted it from their website:
liposome lip·o·some
An artificial microscopic vesicle consisting of an aqueous core enclosed in one or more phospholipid layers, used to convey substances to target cells or organs.
The American Heritage® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
However, I believe this product is important enough to warrant a deeper explanation and conversation. Technically, a liposome is a spherical vesicle. What is a ‘vesicle’? I am glad you asked that! A vesicle is a fluid filled cell consisting of nutrients enclosed by a lipid bilayer (fat). The bilayer (fat) is most often composed of phospholipids, usually phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is a chemical found in the brain AND in many food sources but is commonly used in liposomals from a source known as lecithin and is typically sourced from Sunflowers. The fat in the lecithin, used to create the liposome, will NOT cause weight gain. The liposome structure stores and transports nutrients from one place to another, therefore the liposome can be used as a vehicle for administration of nutrients. Simply, liposomal remedies contain micronized – particles that carry medicinal remedies, whether they be herbs, supplements and/or essential oils, into the hiding places where pathogens (germs) like to hide, for example, inside cells, bone, and cartilage. These pathogens can also create symptoms like inflammation and/or pain. These micronized-particles, or liposome, are small enough that, when ingested, they can enter into these many hiding places and directly into the blood stream. This delivery system enables liposome’s to be more effective than traditional products such as tinctures, herbs, supplements, tablets, capsules, gels, or powders because this delivery system enables the products to get deeper into the cells. This transport system is different because many germs like fat so they latch onto the liposome then carry it off to places where they like to hide such as breast tissue, bone, brain, cartilage, cells, connective tissue, gallbladder, muscle, etc.
Let me describe further how liposomes and phospholipids (which are a major component of cell membranes) work in the body to better understand how this process works. The liposomal technology consists of phospholipids and the active ingredients (herbs and/or Essential Oils) which are formed into structures called liposomes. This combination, which consists of bi- layers of molecules, help protect and transport the active ingredients so they are more efficiently and ideally absorbed. They disintegrate in the stomach and intestines and are then transported to other parts of the body. Once those liposomes are absorbed from the upper GI tract then transported into the blood stream they are able to penetrate more rapidly into the targeted tissues of the body where they are needed; therefore enhancing the uptake and availability of the nutrients. The result is improved bio-availability of the active ingredients. Scientific research has documented the effectiveness of liposomes. By comparison – when you swallow a capsule it simply goes into the stomach then the intestines. The acid in the stomach causes the capsule to rapidly disintegrate then release its contents. This is typically not a great ‘set-up’ for ideal absorption when targeting chronic and/or deeply seated health issues.
Following is one article regarding Essential Oils Encapsulated in Liposomes as studied by ResearchGate:
Recently there has been an increased interest toward the biological activities of essential oils. However, essential oils are unstable and susceptible to degradation in the presence of oxygen, light and temperature. So, attempts have been made to preserve them through encapsulation in various colloidal systems such as microcapsules, microspheres, nanoemulsions and liposomes. This review focuses specifically on encapsulation of essential oils into liposomes. First, we present the techniques used to prepare liposomes encapsulating essential oils. The effects of essential oils and other factors on liposome characteristics such as size, encapsulation efficiency and thermal behavior of lipid bilayers are then discussed. The composition of lipid vesicles membrane, especially the type of phospholipids, cholesterol content, the molar ratio of essential oils to lipids, the preparation method and the kind of essential oil may affect the liposome size and the encapsulation efficiency. Several essential oils can decrease the size of liposomes, homogenize the liposomal dispersions, increase the fluidity and reduce the oxidation of the lipid bilayer. Moreover, liposomes can protect the fluidity of essential oils and are stable at 4-5°C for 6 months at least. Liposomes encapsulating essential oils are promising agents that can be used to increase the anti-microbial activity of the essential oils, to study the effect of essential oils on cell membranes, and to provide alternative therapeutic agents to treat several diseases.
Click on the link below for additional information about the effectiveness of liposomes with Essential Oils:
You may also find additional information and articles by clicking on: Additional articles are available in Medical Expand.
How to Care for your Liposome
This product MUST be refrigerated OR frozen. Freezing the liposome allows it to last longer & safely without harming the particles or product. Freezing the liposome can also make it taste better. Follow these instructions on freezing. You will need a clean ice cube tray and a gallon freezer Ziploc bag. Place 1 TBS of liposome into each ice cube cubicle. Place the tray into the Ziploc bag, seal the bag, and then place into the freezer. Be sure the ice tray is laying on a flat surface to prevent spillage. Shelf life is about ONE year in the freezer or 60 days in the refrigerator. Thaw out cubes as needed depending on your dosage requirements.
Some precautions which may extend the life and the integrity of the liposome are:
- Do NOT dip anything (such as a spoon) into the liposome container to obtain your dosage but instead POUR the liposome into a measuring spoon or measuring cup.
- Do NOT pour any excess liposome back into the liposome container after it has been poured into a NON sterile measuring device such as measuring spoon or cup. This could compromise the integrity of the entire batch of liposome.
- Excess liposome can also be applied topically to ANY areas of concern. This includes painful areas, Skin issues which include but are NOT limited to itchy, discolored, rashes, cancer, insect bites, mysterious skin issues, etc.
- Should you need to divide the product to take to a different location, such as work, be sure to use a sterile container. Glass is preferred over plastic as the oils may leach into the plastic could compromise the integrity of the liposome.
- Do NOT drink directly from the jar or container you are using to store the product. This could compromise the integrity of the remaining liposome in the container.
- Do NOT leave the liposome sitting out of refrigerator for any period of time because exposure to the warm temperature and/or sun could compromise the liposome.
- Do not allow the liposome to sit in an open container for any length of time because the liposome may latch onto the plastic then compromise the product.
- You must drink the liposome as directed. Leaving it in the jar and only looking at it or ignoring it does not help you!!!!
“The Lowdown on Liposomals.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 Aug. 2016,
Twofrogshealing, director. [EOSL-JAN2017] Liposomal Essential Oil Instructions. YouTube, YouTube, 18 May 2016,